Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Olivia month is here!

No matter how much you prepare yourself it's never an easy day when the anniversary of a loved ones death comes around. I've tried so hard to keep myself busy this week and pretend like it's insignificant, but I can't avoid it anymore. I keep remembering what my life was like a year ago; I had refinanced my car and was excited for my new interest rate, Mike and I had decided to move in together, and we were planning our first family photo session for the coming weekend. I can't stop thinking about how easy life was then, and I keep coming back to this video I took of Olivia the night before she passed away. I wish so badly that I could go back to that day and change everything.
I get sad, but then I see how happy she was. She felt no pain, had no worries, and she knew how much she was loved. She had an amazing 11 months and it helps to know that she touched so many lives in such a short time. I'm so incredibly lucky to have been her Mom.
So on a happier note, we've declared March 14th - April 15th (Livvy's Bday) Olivia Month! In a previous post I explained why I have chosen to keep fresh flowers in my home in her memory, and we are also participating in Spring for SIDS month.
We will be raising money in Olivia's name. All proceeds go to The American SIDS Institue, which is dedicated to the prevention of sudden infant death syndrome and the promotion of infant health through research, education and family support.
For those of you in Oregon who would like to participate, we will be holding an event for her Birthday on Saturday, April 13th. I will send an invite out for that soon :)
For those out of State who would like to participate, you can make a donation at our
Thank you so much for all of your support. It's been a tough year to say the least, but with the love and support of all of my family and friends, it was bearable. Olivia was lucky to have all of you!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Co-sleeping and SIDS

I've waited a while to write a post on co-sleeping and SIDS risks because there are so many different opinions on whether or not co-sleeping actually leads to SIDS. After doing A TON of research, I've determined that co-sleeping can actually be great for your baby if certain precautions are used. THIS study monitored 40 infants ages 0-6 months who had been sleeping in their parents beds and compared their sleeping habits to 40 infants who had been sleeping alone in their crib. The study found that while the co-sleeping infants were more easily exposed to re-breathing, they were able to respond effectively and remain safe. Mothers also woke up and removed any bedding that was close to, or covering the infants face. I would recommend that every mother read this article because it's so informative on how babies respond to dangers while sleeping, but if you're just looking for the precautions of co-sleeping, here they are:

  • Sleep in a king sized bed if possible, to give everyone enough room 
  • Be sure there are no wide crevices between the mattress and the bed rail that your infants head could slip into
  • Never allow infants to sleep in the same bed as caregivers or children. They might not have the same awareness of a baby's presence that parents do.
  • Don't fall asleep with your baby on a surface that isn't firm such as a couch or a bean bag. They could suffocate by getting caught inside the crevices.

A great way to resolve co-sleeping worries is by having your infant sleep in a bedside co-sleeper. These attach to the parents bed making night time feedings and provides the comfort of having your baby close to you. I hope that this article post has calmed your fears of co-sleeping, and that if you do continue to have your infant sleep with in your bed, you will practice it safely.